Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Wine-Dinner Evening at Pied-à-Terre: June 05/2012

“You must go to this restaurant Parkside immediately”, declared our long time friends Vaughan and Marie.  That was about 6 or 7 years ago.  Since then, I have been making pilgrimages regularly to Andrey Durbach and Chris Stewart restaurants long before I became a wine importer. 

My initiation started at Parkside in the quaint West End.  I remember limping out of the restaurant with sheer joy and celebration on my first pilgrimage.  I could have licked those plates with my tongue, if there were no other guests nearby.  Actually, I might have. Thus, began my long love affair with the Andrey Durbach and Chris Stewart restaurants.  Least in my heart and tummy, I would like to think Parkside moved to the Cambie neighbourhood with the new name Pied-à-Terre. Thank heavens!

So, it gives me a pleasure to tell everyone that Pied-à-Terre and Racine Wine Imports are presenting a wine dinner June 05/2012.  Here are the details about the menu, wine and additional information.

When I met with Andrey, Chris and Michel at Pied-à-Terre to toss around ideas, it was fun to see them create dinner menu with the wines that we all tasted together.  We had a blast and we are all excited about the menu and wines.  Come and join us in the blast and excitement!

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