Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Eric Asimov – A Different & Great Wine Critic

This book arrived at my house last week.

While the majority of Northern American wine critics are busy handing out clinical scores upon scores on wines, as though teachers perpetually stuck marking midterms but forgetting to teach, Eric Asimov,the chief wine critic of New York Times, beats to a different drum. 

While some believe that it is tastings and courses that teach us to be a wine connoisseur, Eric thinks all those things are really unnecessary.  “Buy-drink-and-love wines” is Eric’s philosophy.  I agree.

As the name of his book “How to Love Wine’ would suggest, the book is not about how to critique or taste wines but rather about the essence of wine – i.e. the pleasures of wine.

A friend recently told me that he stopped taking educational courses because they take all the pleasures out of learning.  I think wines can be like that if one is not conscious about the essence of wines.  And I believe that is what Eric Asimov’s book is all about – love and pleasures of wine.  What a pleasure to read to Eric Asimov’s book!

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