Fast forward ten years. Cooking always has been my hobby. When I started delving into cooking the classic French dishes, the topic of wines kept coming up. It didn't take long before I was immersed in wine. I even took a part time consulting assignment for a local wine agency. It was inevitable that the course of my life would see me choose something related to wine
Deciding to become a wine importer was easy. I struggled for a long time with the thought of what would a wine importer represent or what does a portfolio of wines say about an importer. I only knew what I did not want as a wine importer. The thought of chasing after hot wines of the moment never appealed to me because I personally don’t drink them and I never saw wine as fashion. The thought of chasing after highly rated wines never appealed to me either. It used to. But I noticed the high scored wines simply sat in the neglected corner of my cellar. I did not want those wines anymore. They tended to be oaky fruit bombs. I didn’t like putting bombs in my mouth. Asking someone else to drink something I wouldn't does not sit well with me.
A Rabbit Terrine, Salad & Charcuterie at Racines in Paris in 2007 with Artisanal Beaujolais
Then, a lightning struck across my consciousness when my wife and I took a vacation in Paris in 2007. We somehow ended up in a series of bistros that were serving most delicious food and wine from the producers and regions that I never heard of - Ploussard, Pineau d’Anis, Trousseau, Savoie, Bugey, and Pupillon. The list went on. I must have looked like a child seeing a candy jar in a corner store for the first time because the owner Pierre Jancou at Racines , a wine bistro, poured me samples of wines to taste. I never have forgotten that moment and the generosity of Pierre . The name Racine Wine Imports is in honour of that man. Racine means ‘root’ or ‘to take root’ in French.
I thought such wines must only exist in
With the trips in
I look forward to trying your wines!
Congrats, Brian on the new blog and your new business. We too look forward to tasting, and tasting, and tasting. Cheers, Vaughan & Marie
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